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• Veronica as the first girl

• Cheryl as the second girl

• Stephan as the best friend

• Derik as the investigating officer

• Ian as the psycho

• Jane the first assistant

• Peter as the second assistant

• George frank as the dad of Ian


• A as veronica

• B as jane

• C as derik

• Musleh u din sadi as peter

• D as George

• E as police officer no 1

• Zaiba as police officer no 2

• sameer as Stephan

• irtaza as ian

• mah e mubeen as cheryl

Stock characters

Seemi, samia, husna, simal, umair


Ian with veronica and Stephan is sitting in a restaurant, waiting for their food to arrive, as

it is early in the morning so not many people are there, the restaurant is owned by George frank

like many other restaurants of the town.


Stephan; “something is wrong with them, don’t they know who we are?”

Ian; “I think I should remind them”

(Calls the waiter) Ian; “why is the order taking too long, don’t you know who we are, do you

want me to remind you, huh, YOU ARE FIRED AND NEVER SHOW ME YOUR FACE


Veronica; “calm down babe, its fine, don’t fire him he is just doing his job”


NOBODY TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO OR NOT or else you want me to do something to you


(Grabs her wrist tightly) veronica; “don’t do that Ian, you are hurting me stop it, let go of me”

(tries to free her hand)

(Veronica couldn’t tolerate any longer so she slapped Ian and stands up from her chair, everyone

in the restaurant starts looking at them)

Ian; “did u just… (takes his gun out) …who do you think you are”… (People in the restaurant

start running and leave the restaurant) now only Stephan, veronica and Ian are there

Stephan; “I think she lost her mind”

Veronica; “Ian stop you are scaring me”

Ian; “am I…well in that case you should be”

(Lights-out) Sound of a gunshot. (Lights on) veronica is lying on the ground and is dead; Ian

holds her face and grabs her by her waist, starts crying like a mad person

Ian; “babe….babe, you can’t leave me like that, wake up, look am not mad, wakie wakie


Stephan; “let’s go Ian, she is dead now, we have to leave before the police arrives, come lets go”

Stephan grabs Ian’s hand and takes him out of the restaurant.


Stephan and Ian are about to get into the car when police arrives, one of the customer

from the restaurant call the police after seeing Ian taking out his gun.

Police officer no 1; “sir you have to go with us, for attempting the murder of veronica.”

Ian; “I am not going anywhere”

Stephan; “we are not going anywhere”


Police forcefully takes them to the police station

Ian; “you have no right to bring me here’ I haven’t killed anybody.”

Stephan; “I need to make a call”

Police officer no 2; “I am afraid you can’t do that. We have the right to investigate you and I

hope that you will cooperate.”

Ian; “and making a phone call is our right, I want to make a phone call or else our mouths are


Police officer no 1; “let them call anybody they want, and make sure they speak.”

Mr. George frank arrives and talks to the officer in private (inaudible)

Police officer no 1; “let them go (turns to George frank)…it was nice meeting you sir”

George frank; “let’s go boys

Ian; “yes, dad”


Stephan opens the car door

Stephan; “thank you so much uncle”

Ian; “let’s go Stephan, see you later dad”

George frank; “Ian come here, you really need to control yourself, you are my only child, and

this time what you did was not some little joke, it was a murder, go see your doctor, and control

yourself, be thankful that the girl’s parents are dead and nobody she knows lives here

Ian; “we will see”

SCENE 5:(Lights-out) 2 years later Lights on, Ian is sitting in the same restaurant with Stephan drinking

coffee when a cute girl arrives, she sits on the next table as them and orders a coffee for herself,

Ian looks at her and starts falling for her, Ian looks at her for some time straight, her coffee

arrives and just as it was about to get served a guy accidently pushed the waiter and coffee fells

all over that girls dress. Ian goes to her quickly and hand her his jacket)

Girl; (stupidly smiles): “Ha-ha thank you, I’m such a mess.”

Ian; “No problem. Take my jacket; your dress is still not properly cleaned.”

Girl; “No that’s not a problem, I’ll manage.”

Ian; “it’s okay, take it, you can return it to me later.”

Girl; “I don’t even know you.”

Ian; “Oh well in that case, Hi, I’m Ian.”

Girl; “Ha-ha hey, I’m Cheryl.”

Ian; “Okay so I guess; now we know each other.”

Girl; “by names ,yes. Anyway, thank you so much. See ya some other time, maybe.”

(Ian smiles and Cheryl walks out of the restaurant, Ian goes back to his seat)

Stephan; (smirks) “another one I suppose”

Ian; “no bro its different this time, I kinda like her”

Stephan; “it’s different every time bro, party tonight?”

Ian; “why not”

Scene 6:

After few days, Cheryl is thinking of giving Ian’s jacket back to him but she does not know

where to find him. One day she accidently meets her in parking of a mall, they wave to each

other and then exchange numbers. They talk day and night and start falling for each other.

(One more coffee date, long evening walks, laughing and enjoying to their fullest, phone calls

every night)

`Scene 7:

Ian and Stephan are sitting in some café drinking coffee; Ian is on the call with Cheryl as

always Stephan gets furious and tells Ian to drop the call.

Stephan; “Ian drop the call, I need to talk to you about something.”

Ian; “ok babe… wait can you hold for a bit.”

Stephan; “I don’t like that girl, I think something is fishy, in this world nowadays nobody is as

sweet or should I say stupid as her, why is she so good”

Ian; “she is a good girl Stephan you should meet her am sure you will like her”

Stephan; “no thank you so much I don’t want to meet someone so stupid who is acting like she is

the sweetest and the most cute girl in this world”

Ian; “Stephan not a word anymore, am not gonna hear anything bad about her”

Stephan; “or else what, you will kill me like you killed veronica atleast she was not fake”


Stephan; “voice down Ian am not your servant, shut up”

Ian; “you know what we are done here bye”

Stephan; “you will regret it”

Ian; “in your dreams”

Ian goes out and calls Cheryl

Ian; “hey babe…. Can you come meet me?”

Ian; “ok am waiting”

(Cheryl arrives)

They both are sitting in a restaurant while Ian is lost somewhere and Cheryl keeps on asking him

what’s wrong

Cheryl; “what happened babe… what’s wrong you know you can share anything with me.”

Ian; “……………”

Cheryl; “BABE…”

Ian; “yah babe am here, am listening what happened…..”

Cheryl; “I asked several times that what happened”

Ian; “it’s just Stephan….. I don’t understand why he always has to talk some negative things

about you… am just tired of him…”

Cheryl; “its fine babe… maybe he just cares about you too much or I think….”

Ian; “I think what….”

Cheryl; “maybe he is just jealous… because he never had a girlfriend before”

Ian; “yeah I think that too”

Cheryl; “what if you have to choose one of us”

Ian; “it will be you of course…. I can’t be with someone who is so negative”

Cheryl; “awww babe that’s so sweet of you”


Stephan calls Ian and asks him to meet him urgently. Ian goes to meet him

Stephan; “look Ian you won’t believe this but I think that girl is not how she looks like…. look

before you say anything just listens to me...”

Ian; “Stephan enough of your drama ... you know that how much I love her but you still always

have to be so negative about her and I don’t like that .. What’s the problem with you dude?”

Stephan; “Ian I saw her with some other guy today... she is cheating on you stop trusting her so

much “

Ian; “and why should I trust you… you are just jealous”

Stephan; “Ian we have been besties since a long time and you still think I would be jealous of

you if you think that then I hope she leaves you and you have no one with you at that time”

Ian; “Stephan mind your language”

Stephan; “or else what”

Ian; “I’ll show you what”

Ian takes out his gun and shoots Stephan… when he dies he quickly ran outside the house and

calls Cheryl and tells her to meet him right now

When they meet he tells her everything how he killed his best friend and now he is guilty of that

and don’t know what to do

Cheryl; “oh so Stephan is dead”

Ian; “yes but why are you not shocked?”

Cheryl; “why you ask because a killer like you can never do anything better than that you are a


Ian; “what are you talking about”

Cheryl; “I think it’s time you should know who I am”

Cheryl takes out her gun and a guy arrives and grabs Ian and takes his gun

Cheryl; “I am Cheryl…. The person whose best friend was killed by someone she loved so much

and she wanted to spend her whole life with him but what did he do…. He killed her and got of

jail in no time… veronica was my best friend whom you killed 2 years back and now you are

enjoying your life as nothing happened I won’t let that happen and now it’s time you pay for her

murder…. But I won’t kill you am not like you am going to leave you like this with a broken

heart that’s enough that you are going to live every day like this … without having anyone to

love and you have to spend every single day thinking and getting mad at yourself”

Ian; “Cheryl…. don’t do this… I love you please don’t do this”

(Cheryl leaves the place with her friend and Ian starts crying and blaming himself)


As soon as Cheryl and her friend leave that place Derik arrives and takes them with him and

starts investigating her and his friend

Derik; “so are you guys going to tell me everything or should I put you guys in jail”

They tell him everything (inaudible)

Derik; “oh but you guys should have applied in court at least”

Cheryl; “and what… he will get out again like he did before?”

Derik; “hmm... you are right….. Look I have been investigating this whole thing since a very

long time and I think I have a plan”


Cheryl calls Ian and asks him to meet her somewhere… Ian arrives an Cheryl is standing in the

dark alone

Ian; “you wanted to see me”

Cheryl; “I changed my mind”

Ian; “really…oh Cheryl I knew you couldn’t live without me you love me the same”

Cheryl; “oh yes Ian I couldn’t live like this …..Without killing you”

Derik arrives from behind Cheryl and takes out his gun and points at Ian

Derik; “you have to die Ian… people like you are a threat to our society... You have to die… life

for a life”

Derik shoots Ian ad he dies there…

Cheryl; “veronica… look… I took your revenge… now you can be free and live your afterlife…

I miss you….”

Cheryl knees down there and starts crying …Derik gives her his jacket and there the story ends


Derik arrives at the crime scene with peter and jane

Derik; “oh oh oh look what we have here another cute and beautiful girl dead”

Jane; “sir her names veronica and she lives here alone only she knows two people here Ian and


Peter; “oh Ian”

Derik; “what you know him”

Peter; “yes sir he is the son of George frank … many restaurants are owned by him even this


Derik; “where is he?”

Jane; “sir he is at the police station... he is found guilty of killing her”


Derik arrives at the crime scene where Stephan is found dead

Derik; “another murder and still have connections with Ian...”

Jane; ‘sir I think next is going to be Cheryl... she is girlfriend of Ian”

Peter; “yes sir I think we should go find her”

Derik; “ok go go go

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Hafiz Kalim
Hafiz Kalim
Apr 26, 2023

Good work


Musleh Saadi
Musleh Saadi
Mar 11, 2022

Good effort 👍

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