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Copy of Shakep your life; How to change your own prespective

It's ok to feel, when you let yourself be sad, fearful, anxious it does not mean you are weak. You need the time to grieve, listen to your body. Once you come to mends with this, you can feel, then release those feelings. Releasing these feelings can be done as simple as just vocalizing them. "I release my fear and sadness, and welcome strength and happiness".

It is known that when you tell a child "Be careful don't drop that", it raises awareness of the child dropping something, instead it's best to say "Be careful, and hold your cup tightly". It's important to use this same strategy and perception of words with yourself. Negativity is strong, however positivity prevails. Be positive in your thoughts. Although it may be difficult at times, try to practice catching yourself and fixing it. Do not give yourself restrictions, and hard expectations. It's hard to understand how simply saying something, can cause the energy shift into making it reality. However it is true, the universe is talking to us. I believe in signs that guide or confirm our thoughts and actions. It helps to be present in your universe, be still and listen. Many times we are busy talking, and it takes from really accepting subtle signs your angels may be giving you. Signs in the universe are not specific to an object or person, it is all that is around you. If you change your perception from "coincidence" to "universal signs", you will understand how the universe guides you. Pay attention to the words and feelings that trigger you, and why. Even difficult life obstacles, may be hidden messages to step back, slow down, breathe and change your perspective.

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Hafiz Kalim
Hafiz Kalim
Apr 26, 2023


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