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Linguistic inequality and racism in Pakistan

I think, there are identifiable differences between people of the same age in aspects of language such as vocabulary, certain areas of syntax, skill at using speech for certain tasks and the arts of reading and writing, which can only be described as examples of inequality between the individuals concerned — and these are precisely the areas of language which are taught in schools. linguistic racism has reared its ugly head in more visible ways recently because of rising jingoistic sentiments that target speakers who do not use the dominant language. Linguistic inequality and Racism in Pakistan; Causes 1-Before the arrival of Britishers, in the subcontinent, many nations including Hindus, Muslims lived together. There was no special concept of language, everyone lived together and used the same language, but according to everyone’s religion (customs, traditions etc) there was a little difference in ways of living and going through life. People used to speak Persian, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali and many other languages to live their lives, (they had chosen one language to spend their lives together). When Britishers occupied the subcontinent, they introduce English the official language to run their system. In this way, an environment has been created that the one who learns English will get a job and facilities (means everyone who learn English that he able and qualified for job and other facilities. Behined these something introduced the concept of (superiority-inferiority complex that has hailed from the time of colonization of the subcontinent). Whoever does not learn English or accept its sovereignty will be a slave. 2- Before partition of (Indian and Pakistan) in 1937, A conflict arose between the Muslims and the Hindus regarding the language, The superiority-inferiority complex that britishers had sown in language was still in effect here. Each of them wanted their language to be given priority so that they could represent themselves in the world with the sensibilities of a nation. 3- After the partition of Subcontinent (Pakistan, Indian) in 1947, Pakistan was divided into two parts (West and East Pakistan). West Pakistan (West Pakistan was what is now only the whole of Pakistan in the world, 5 provinces and one AJ-Kashmir) and East-Pakistan, It was given unfairly with the connivance of the British and the Hindus (West-Pakistan was 1000 miles (1600 km) away from East Pakistan). It was the desire of the Bengalis that Bengali should be given the status of the national language of Pakistan, but the wish of the Urdu speakers was that Urdu should be given the status of the national language. After much debate and time passed, a decision was taken regarding Urdu and Bengali language which was acceptable to both of them i.e. if Urdu was written then Bengali letters would also be written together with English. If you look at the passports printed before 1971, Urdu was written along with English and Bengali was also written. In the beginning, everything was going well, but later on, it became a reality due to which East Pakistan separated from us and became Bangladesh. One of the reasons was the language. The language became a symbol of Bengali unity and once it was disregarded in the race for the national language the conflict only grew till the annexation in 1971. 4. After the separation of east Pakistan, the Sindhi Movement rose. It gleaned inspiration from the Bengali language movement and some people lead and support this movement, brought about the idea of Sindhudesh in 1972. Its main focus was on a separate state that would protect and promote Sindhi identity, culture, and language. The language movement had roots in provincial conflicts with the Punjabi population encroaching on Sindhi territory and Urdu being the national language, leading to subtle isolation of the Sindhi population and difficulty in societal integration. The emergence of Sindhudesh was from this issue that the presence of Urdu wasn’t as much of a problem on its own but what it represented, which was Punjabi dominion and superiority over the area. 5- Problem is, Pakistan itself is a multilingual country, In which English and Urdu were given the status of official languages since independence, but now English is mostly used and Urdu is used as an official language in some places. Now, Pakistanis use English in their daily routine, so that it is their own national language. As Pakistanis, we have not been able to decide for so many years that what is our original language, through which we can communicate with people. This is my experience as a Pakistani everyone has 3 languages in their daily life, If He/she is an Urdu speaker then 2 or 3 is must. English is the official language, Urdu is the national language, and the mother- language spoken by that in his home or basic area/village. This is proof of their colonization through language. The one who speaks English will also be a doer, job-holder, worker, business man, proffessional, and a good student, and he will get importance. All this is a proof of their sovereignty over language and our servile thinking. 6- The superiority-inferiority complex that English-People had sown in language was still in effect here still implemented at the recent time in Pakistan. All provinces with the people of each province represent their province with their culture, lifestyle, language and many other things. But with the passage of time, if the candidates of a province or their party wins and comes to the government, they will win from the whole country, but if they only reduce the development and prosperity of their particular province, it will affect other provinces and There will be no justice with their people. And if the speakers of a regional language are more in number in terms of their province, its area and population, then they are entitled to the resources and necessities of life according to their needs. As I told the Upper Sindhudesh Movement, this happens when the resources of one province are transferred to another province, then the people of that province accuse with the bias of the language that the province with such and such a language has put a stamp on our rights and resources. Such movements get support from enemy countries. 7- Language provides words to express our emotions, feelings, many times two different language speakers live together for example (Punjabi-Saraiki), If a Saraiki native speaker live with Punjabi native language speakers area, the Punjabi speakers don’t know anything about Urdu language and Saraiki language, And even if I am a Punjabi speaker, it will be worse than the majority of Saraiki speakers, for example, it is very difficult to understand and explain each other’s words. If there are more Punjabi speakers and fewer Saraiki speakers, then the people with more numbers tend to consider the less people as inferior and slaves sometimes. Effects · People in that in minority related to language speakers fill into frustration. · Things are going back to the way they were in East Pakistan before it became Bangladesh. · Things are going back to the way they were in East Pakistan before it became Bangladesh. · Some people they belong from the other languages, they don’t accept the other language. · They use to that language with wrong words, accents for the purpose of fun. · Superiority and inferiority complex. · Pakistan face restrictions and some sanctions related (some social, economic and political progress). Conclusion In this community was initially brought to the country as slaves between the first and 20th centuries, and entered the subcontinent through the ports of Sindh (Port-Kasim and Karachi) and Balochistan (Gawadar) in present-day Pakistan, where many remain as dock workers, domestic workers, carpenters and blacksmiths and etc. For the over-come of language difference, inequality and racism (We must want to start to campaign to create awareness among people). Request to the government for help to successful in campaign, People should be told about the correct use of language with their words, accents).

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Zeeshan Malik
Zeeshan Malik
Mar 27, 2023


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