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Ahmad Muhaddeen Piri-Rais

Ahmad Muhaddeen Piri-Rais

also known as Piri Rais, was an Ottoman navigator, geographer and cartographer. He is best known for his book Bahria (Book of Navigation), a collection of maps and charts describing important ports and cities in the Mediterranean.

In 1929, a section of his first world map, made in 1513, was unveiled in Istanbul’s Topkapı Palace, recognizing him as a master cartographer. His map of the world is the oldest Turkish atlas depicting the New Globe, as well as one of the oldest surviving maps of the Americas (the oldest known surviving map of the Americas was made by Juan de la Cosa in 1500). what was it). The Perry Race map is on the Sahara in the Tropic of Cancer.

Perry Reis made the second map of the world in 1528, showing only a small part (from Labrador and Newfoundland in the north to Florida, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and parts of Central America in the south to Greenland and showing North America) is left.

His most famous creations in the modern era are the charts and maps found in his masterwork, Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation). It includes detailed navigational data as well as accurate historical charts that highlight the Mediterranean Sea's principal cities and ports. About one-third of his initial global map, created in 1513, still exists. In 1929, it was discovered in Istanbul's Topkapi Palace, bringing him international recognition as a cartographer. The last section displays the western shores of Europe and North Africa, the coast of Brazil, and some Atlantic islands. It is regarded as one of the oldest still-existing Turkish atlases of the New World and is currently believed to be the oldest one from the New World. His second map of the world, created.

According to the text of his impressions, he made his maps using about 20 foreign charts and maps (Arab, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Indian and Greek), including one of Christopher Columbus. He was executed in Cairo in 1553, having been found guilty of ending the siege of Hormuz Island and abandoning the fleet, although the reason for doing so was the lack of maintenance of his ships.

The Maps of Piri Reis

Piri Reis was a sixteenth-century Ottoman Admiral famous for his maps and charts collected in his Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), a book which contains detailed information on navigation as well as extremely accurate charts describing the important ports and cities of the Mediterranean Sea. In 1513 he produced his first world map, based on some 20 older maps and charts which he had collected, including charts personally designed by Christopher Columbus which his uncle Kemal Reis obtained in 1501 after capturing seven Spanish ships off the coast of Valencia in Spain with several of Columbus’ crewmen on board.

According to his printed text, he made his maps from about 20 foreign charts and maps (Arab, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Indian, and Greek), including one by Christopher Columbus. He was executed in Cairo in 1553 for ending the siege of Hormuz Island and abandoning the fleet, despite the fact that he did so due to lack of ship maintenance.

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