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Belief in religion and accepting any religion discuss due to the consequence of (Waiting for Godot).

Updated: Jul 30

In Waiting for Godot, first of all, when telling and blaming also on Estragon's boots tell him (also fault on your feet instead of your boots) then he (Vladimir) takes his own hat (Estragon insists on taking off his boot, even though he has trouble doing so. This trivial act becomes a symbol of the human struggle to find meaning and purpose in life, peers inside it, feels inside it, knocks on the crown, blows into it, maybe any crown fell from inside of my hat? Like the Eastragon, he also searches the crowns in his boots but both of these people have forgotten the order and spirituals of God that those who do not work hard and struggle for any good thing, God does not help them.

Secondly, Vladimir and Estragon have a short discussion on religion. Estragon and Vladimir both the man have different natures, Vladimir believes in God, and that they will be saved and Vladimir's faith in God gives him a sense of purpose and direction. Estragon is skeptical (atheist) or also he doesn’t believe in God. Moreover, Estragon’s lack of faith leads to a sense of disillusionment.

Then both of them talk about religion, belief in God, the importance of personifying Jesus (A.S), reading the Bible and taking guidance from the Gospels, believing in God, and following religion. I have already informed you about the views and dispositions of both of them regarding (believing in God and following religion). In addition, there are millions, billions, and trillions of people in the world, everyone will believe in one or the other god, and people will believe in absolute religion from him. If people are associated with their religion, believe in God, then worship Him, follow the teachings, spirituals, norms, and orders of this religion, and live their lives, because the religion provides a limit to the people and their ancestors, they live in this limit to learn the (teachings, spirituals, norms, and orders of this religion) like I already told you, to practice them, to show the people by their actions and Live your life according to the rules of religion. Religion helps in many matters of life, in solving many problems, this work is permissible and this work is not permissible. On the Day of Judgment, Fasting is the idea (the concept) of heaven and hell as punishment. (For Example, Islam is a great religion, its followers are called Muslims. In it, God (Allah) gave the teachings of God to different nations through his prophets and preached the message of God. Come to the religion of Islam. It is the true religion. No coercion for Islam, If you accept Islam, then there is coercion, so make the members of Islam a part of your life, accept them completely, learn and follow the teachings and orders of Islam, do good deeds, avoid evil, and do not tell lies. You will get the reward for your every sin in the form of heaven or hell on the Day of Resurrection).

Then both of these people (Vladimir and Estragon) discuss the crucifixion of Jesus (A.S), When (Jesus) was personified, two thieves also impersonated them, whose case went to another court and these two faces were impersonated along with them. These two thieves said to Jesus that we will believe in our God and accept our religion if you save us from punishment. According to (Vladimir and Estragon) 4 Evangelists were there, one of 4 said both thieves were saved, the second one said 1st one thief was saved, the third one said both thieves were crucified and the fourth one also said, (Of the other three, two don't mention any thieves at all and the third says that both of them abused him). It seems that both Vladimir and Estragon do not know anything about religion and this reality, they just believe what they have heard and do not consult a third party to confirm these things. The only truth is that they tried to persecute Jesus, but God took them up to heaven/sky.

Overall, It is seen that Vladimir believes in God, he believes in religion and he also believes that it is better to save than to die (which means the savior, God), While Estragon's belief in God is also portrayed as absurd. He is constantly searching for a higher power to give his life meaning, but he never finds it (Meaningful vs Meaningless life’s concept). Also, he suggests that they pray, but Vladimir reminds him that they have tried that before and it didn’t work. This highlights the idea that humans often turn to religion to find meaning, but it does not always provide the answers they are looking for.

Waiting for Godot as a theater of Absurds by Samuel Becket.

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