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Anne Frank's The Dairy of a Young Girl

Anne Frank’s The Dairy of a Young Girl Anne Frank was born in 1929 into a well-to-do(Jewish family) in Frank-fort, Germany. In 1933 she moved with his family to Amsterdam, Netherlands. In 1942,(12 June 1942) A Diary was gifted to Anne Frank on her birthday. In this diary, he described the atrocities by Hitler, the atrocities on his family, fleeing from Hitler’s atrocities, escaping with her family, and the problems, traveling, and situations he faced during that time which spanned over 2 years (1942–1944). Otto Frank (her Father) Director of a Dutch Opecta company. Edith Frank (her Mother) Margot Frank (her Sister) One day Margot received a phone call from Acess, hearing that the whole family escaped from the home with necessary supplies and the bookshelves in her father’s office went to the bunkers(Annex) made for the trouble they lived in and saved as a refuge for a long time. Her father’s office colleagues were helping his family by bringing them daily food and daily necessities. After many times, Then Anne Frank went with her family to live with Mrs. Vandaan’s family(M.Vandaan. Ms.Wandaan and their son Peter). Anne Frank wasn’t like Peter, after some time, Dr. Alfred Dussel came to their home to also stay with Anne Frank to share their room with them for stay. Alfred and Peter both used to criticize Anne Frank for speaking too much. Anne Frank now had daily dreams of her old friend, Hanalei, who belonged to a pure Jewish family. Gradually, as Anne Frank was acquitted(adult & became a teenager), she asked and discussed questions related to love, and because of this, she became interested in Peter. Many times when he wrote in his diary, he asked himself questions about who I am (her last entry in her diary 1944). But many people deny these later events and say that in 1944 he was arrested from the Annex for betraying someone or being an informer. Because in those days, Hitler also occupied the Netherlands. They would take the young people through concentration camps and make them do hard work and torture them, but they would kill the old people(especially Jewish people). Anne Frank was sent to work in the Burgen concentration camp with her sister Margot, where she died from typhus in 1949. Now only Anne Frank’s father survived in his family. He edited and published this diary with the help of one of his colleagues (Miep). In 1947 Anne Frank’s diary was published for the first time, And in 1952, this diary was published again, this time in English.

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Hafiz Kalim
Hafiz Kalim
26 de abr. de 2023

Good job

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